Speechling Help - Quickstart
What is Speechling?
Speechling is a platform dedicated to helping anybody learn to speak a foreign language through free language coaching and fun exercises.
If you're using our mobile app, scroll down to the end of the article.
How do I get started?
The simplest thing you can do is practice recording yourself and get feedback from a coach.
How to Record
First, log into your Speechling account through our homepage.
Next, you'll see a our main page with a card that looks like this:

Note: By default your study mode is Speak. Make sure you see Speak as the study mode above the card. Otherwise, click it.
If you do not know, press the I don't know button to see the suggested answer.
If you wish not to record, then press the skip button to see the suggested answer.

When you're ready, click the record button to begin record yourself.
When the stop button appears, talk into the microphone. You will see a waveform of your own voice.
Press the stop button to stop recording.
You will see a waveform of your own voice, which will be replayed back to you.

You can listen to the native speaker pronounce the audio by pressing the play button. Alternatively you can press the space bar.
Practice repeating after the native speaker a few times to yourself.
You can press the play button to replay your own voice.
You will then see these two buttons:

Click the "Record Again" button if you want to record again.
Click "Save for Coaching" to submit your audio to your coach.

To move on to the next card, press one of the three spaced repetition buttons. If you found the exercise easy, press the right button and you will not see the card until 4 days later. If you found the card difficult, press the button on the left to see the card again in 1 minute. If the difficulty is appropriate, press the middle button to see the card again in 10 minutes. Speechling will recompute the intervals to optimize what is best for you.
How to Check your Feedback
To check your feedback, go to your Audio Journal on your navbar:

You should be able to hear all of your old recordings here, and your coach will give you feedback guaranteed.
A more detailed guide to your audio journal can be found here.
Mobile App
Speechling can also be used on our mobile app, which can be downloaded for free on our homepage or by searching "Speechling" on any major app store, including Google and Apple.
How to Record on Mobile
First, download the app and log in.
You will see a screen like this:

Note: By default your study mode is Speak. Make sure you see Speak as the study mode above the card. Otherwise, click it.
If you do not know, press the I don't know button to see the suggested answer.
If you wish not to record, then press the skip button to see the suggested answer.
When you're ready, click the record button to begin record yourself.
When the stop button appears, talk into the microphone. You will see a waveform of your own voice.
Press the stop button to stop recording.
You will see a waveform of your own voice, which will be replayed back to you.
You can listen to the native speaker pronounce the audio by pressing the play button. Alternatively you can press the space bar.
Practice repeating after the native speaker a few times to yourself.
You can press the play button to replay your own voice.
You will then see these two buttons:

Click the "Record Again" button if you want to record again.
Click "Save for Coaching" to submit your audio to your coach.

To move on to the next card, press one of the three spaced repetition buttons. If you found the exercise easy, press the right button and you will not see the card until 4 days later. If you found the card difficult, press the button on the left to see the card again in 1 minute. If the difficulty is appropriate, press the middle button to see the card again in 10 minutes. Speechling will recompute the intervals to optimize what is best for you.
How to Check your Feedback
To check your feedback, go to your Audio Journal on the bottom navigation bar.
You should be able to hear all of your old recordings here, and your coach will give you feedback guaranteed.
A more detailed guide to your audio journal can be found here.
Next Steps
Learn more about Speechling's other amazing features below.