Loving in Spanish: 5 Romantic Expressions Beyond "Te Amo"!

So you find yourself entertaining the thought of having a Spanish-speaking lover, or simply wanting to diversify the language in which you declare your feelings to your loved ones! You've heard "Te amo" a million times, and you're ready to upgrade your lingo. Keep reading for the most useful romantic expressions in Spanish!
5. "¿Quieres Andar Conmigo?"
At first, this expression might seem like a simple invitation for a date.
After all, it literally means "Would you like to walk/stroll around/hang out with me?". However, you must use it with caution!
"¿Quieres andar conmigo?" is actually way more serious than it seems to be, and it implies that you want to hang out with the other person romantically and on a regular basis. In fact, it is almost the equivalent to asking: "¿Quieres ser mi novio(a)?" ("Would you like to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?"), except it does not mention these words explicitly!
If you would prefer to invite somebody to go out only once to get to know them better, then it is a wise option to use the expression "¿Quieres salir conmigo?" instead, which literally means "Do you want to go out with me?".
Here are some examples of how you can use it:
- "Te estoy preguntando si quieres salir conmigo." ("I am asking you if you would like to go on a date with me.")
- "Esperaba que dijeras que quieres andar conmigo." ("I was hoping you would say you want to be/hang out romantically with me")
- "¿Por que si nos gustamos no quieres salir conmigo?" ("If we like each other, why don't you want to go on a date with me?")
4. "Te Extraño."
Quite simply, "te extraño" means "I miss you". You have probably heard it in love song after love song on the radio!
Use it when you miss your loved ones, when you feel like seeing them, and when there is nobody else you would rather be around!
Luckily, there are several ways you can express the same feeling. Apart from "Te extraño", you may choose to say "Echo de menos..." (I miss.../I long for...) or "Me haces falta" ("I need you").
Some of these expressions may also be used with objects or friends and family, not necessarily always in a romantic context.
Here are some examples of what you can do with this:
- "Te extraño...quiero estar contigo." ("I miss you...I want to be with you.")
- "¡Te extraño tanto! Regresa, por favor." ("I miss you so much! Return, please.")
- "Echo de menos a mi novia que está de viaje." ("I miss my girlfriend who is currently traveling")
- "Echo mucho de menos a mi ex-pareja: ¿qué puedo hacer?" ("I really miss my ex-partner: what can I do?")
- "Me haces mucha falta. No te demores." ("I really need you/miss you. Don't take too long.")
3. "No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti."
Up for some serious romance? Who isn't?!
If you feel that your loved one makes your days brighter, the sun shinier, the air cleaner and your mind lighter, you might want to express how much they mean to you, and that your life would be generally worse without them.
Perhaps you even find it hard to imagine your life without them! So now you can say - "No puedo vivir sin ti" ("I can't live without you").
Additionally, if you would like to ask that special person to spend the rest of their life with you, there is an expression for that too: "¿Te quieres casar conmigo?" or "¿Quieres casarte conmigo?" ("Will you marry me?").
Check how these expressions are used in context:
- "¿Te quieres casar conmigo? Te voy a hacer feliz." ("Will you marry me? I will make you happy")
- "No puedo vivir sin ti...vuelve, por favor." ("I can't live without you...come back, please.")
2. "Cada Día Te Quiero Más".
"Every day I want you/love you more." What a beautiful way to let your loved ones know your affection keeps growing, and that there is no end in sight for your devotion!
Alternatives for this expression could be "Cada día que pasa te quiero más" ("Every day that passes by I want you/love you more"), "Todos los días te quiero ver" ("I want to see you every day") or "Te quiero a mi lado todos los días" ("I want you by my side every day").
Here's how you could use these in context:
- "Cada día te quiero más. No puedo más vivir sin ti." ("Each day I want you/love you more. I can't live without you anymore.")
- "Me ha dicho que cada día me quiere más...pero no sé se siento lo mismo." ("He/She told me that every day he/she wants me more...but I don't know if I feel the same.")
- "Mi pareja me ha dejado, pero ahora dice que me quiere a su lado todos los días..." ("My partner has left me, but now he/she says he/she wants me by his/her side every day...")
1. "Quédate Conmigo."
"Quédate conmigo." ("Stay with me")
"No te vayas." ("Don't leave")
"Quédate un ratito más." ("Stay a little bit longer")
All of these expressions come together to ask your loved one to stay with you, whether it be a request for your entire life or just the next 10 minutes.
The third one is particularly appropriate when asking somebody to stay just a little bit longer, when you feel you need some more minutes of pink emotion!
Here are some ways you could use them:
- "Quédate conmigo, por favor. No quiero estar solo(a)." ("Stay with me, please. I don't want to be alone.")
- "Quédate un ratito más, aún no hemos hablado de todo." ("Stay a bit longer, we still haven't talked about everything.")
- "No te vayas, quiero hablar contigo." ("Don't leave, I want to talk to you.")
- "Quédate conmigo, no quiero vivir sin ti..." ("Stay with me, I don't want to live without you...")
The next step after you have learned these expressions? Sounding like a genuine Don Juan by tomorrow! Practice them now and inspire your loved ones with your flawless Spanish!