Top 10 Podcasts to Learn French Naturally

At home, in the car, while in bed…no matter where you are, your French learning endeavors never have to be put on hold when you have access to the top podcasts in French. There are a ton of ways to learn French, and podcasts are definitely one of the most convenient and fun.
Podcasts allow you to sit back, relax and listen, all while providing the best way to learn French--through listening and practicing. For the 10 most popular podcasts for French learners, read on!
Why Learn Using The Best Podcasts?
There are plenty of reasons why a podcast is best for language learning. First, successful language learning is backed by a strong desire to learn and a dedication to developing strong habits. Languages are learned in bits, slowly- it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. Podcasts allow you to learn in chunk-sized bits, which is the perfect amount at a time.
You also can listen to a podcast no matter where you're going; on your phone, on your computer, in the car over the Bluetooth. This convenient access means you can really say goodbye to excuses and finally commit to your language learning goals.
Who Learns Best With The Top French Podcasts?
If you're an aural learner, meaning that you learn by listening to a teacher talking, or simply by watching a video, you'll naturally be able to learn well with podcasts just by listening. You can kick your feet up on the couch, or jump in the car, and learn away!
But if you're a visual learner, meaning that you need to see or read along, try choosing a podcast that comes with a transcription or with a guide. You can listen to the podcast, then read along with the transcription to challenge your comprehension.
Most people are a combination--they need to listen and see the language in order to learn well. Some of the podcasts combine both of those and offer listening practice and reading comprehension, so it's a double score for learners!
So What Are The Best Podcasts for Learning French?
Well, with no further hesitation, let's check out my favorite podcasts for language learning!
RFI - Radio Française Internationale
This amazing app provides you with a ton of free French listening practice that you can access in the car, at home, on your phone or on a laptop. Clearly one of the best podcasts, RFI publishes different types of news for France, Africa, the world, and specifically designed for beginning French language learners, the news en français facile (easy French)!
Coffee Break French
If the news isn't your style, Coffee Break French puts out an awesome podcast series for different levels ranging from true beginning French learners to advanced pros. What makes this one of the best podcasts is that they present all grammar and vocab in context, which allows for a more authentic use of the language.
One Thing In A French Day
It's clear why One Thing In A French Day remains on the list of best podcasts for French. The lovely voice of the speaker Laetitia presents live interviews, stories, and anecdotes that teach you French language lessons and a bit about French culture, like the bise. The language is clear and authentic. She often uses a variety of tenses that also are sure to help you master French's complicated verbs, like the passé composé and imparfait.
Cultivate Your French
If you've heard of the French podcast One Thing In A French Day, then meet the little sister, Cultivate Your French. It's essentially the same podcast, but it's much slower, and you have the capability of reading the transcript, looking at the key vocab, and even seeing the English version of it, which has been shown to super helpful to language learners
News in Slow French
The news in a foreign language can be incredibly difficult to understand. There's no body language to go by, no list of vocab or helpful expressions. That's why News In Slow French makes the list of the best podcasts. Two different hosts talk about important news all around the world, so you're also getting a news fix. One of the best features is the transcription. Not all French podcasts offer this feature, but with News in Slow French, you can read along while you listen. For the best way to learn French, listen once to get the gist of what they're saying, and then read it again while listening to match up the sounds with the written word.
Learn French With Alexa
The adorable Alexa is a fan favorite with those wanting to find the best way to learn French. The Learn French With Alexa series offers a range of resources for beginning French learners, from free podcasts to entire lessons. Her beautiful accent and adorable way of teaching has put her on the list of best podcasts for a while. For about $20 a month, you can get complete access.
Français Authentique
Français Authentique is really one of those amazing resources that help you learn French. Podcasts are not only one of the most convenient ways to learn, but when you have a host as adorable as Johann, you're only that much more motivated! Johann's podcast targets oral proficiency by teaching you about common French expressions in a fun way.
Learn French By Podcast
One of the more prolific podcasts out there is Learn French By Podcast. While it can take some time to locate which lesson is the perfect one for you, there's so much material here that it's impossible not to benefit from all the French language learning potential. The lessons are situated in the context of a conversation, which provides good listening comprehension practice. The podcasts are free, but the accompanying lessons cost a small fee. Compared to how much language learning in the classroom costs, the price of this amazing podcast is minimal.
French Your Way
While the podcast French Your Way is on a temporary break due to the host's maternity leave, there are a ton of excellent podcasts in the archives for you to check out. Jessica narrates this top podcast by walking the streets and interviewing random Frenchmen and women as they go about their every day lives. This means that you're not listening to a watered down version of French that targets the classroom. You're hearing authentic French, a variety of French accents, and commonly used vocab, expressions, and structures. Hooray!
The podcasts that come with FrenchPod101 are French lessons that have been very well put together by a great team of French language learning experts. The service is free for a limited time, and then you have to pay a small fee. It's worth the free trial, though--the resources are vast, including a lesson, vocab list, flashcards, and more.
You may not have time to check out all of these fantastic podcasts, but if you start with one that speaks to you the most (no pun intended), you'll soon feel more curious and want to listen to even more...and that's what language learning is all about! Little steps that make a big difference!