Top 10 Useful Japanese Phrases That You Must Have in an Emergency

If you have decided to learn Japanese, you most likely wish to visit or move to Japan. Nevertheless, learning a foreign language means understanding how to cope with any everyday situation, including calling for help.
Although the majority of situations can be handled by those who are not fluent Japanese-native speaker, it is crucial to learn how to deal with any difficult time.
The starting point is memorising a number of useful Japanese phrases that you must have in an emergency. With Speechling's free vocabulary and audio resources, learning your new Japanese words will be even easier.
Japanese Phrases to Help You in an Emergency
In case of an emergency, you should call an ambulance, the police, or the fire department. You can also ask your neighbours or a passer-by for help. In these instances, being able to communicate clearly with a Japanese speaker can be a life-saver.
When speaking with the help-dispatching staff, you must be able to explain your situation, as well as your location. Understanding what the other person says is also essential, and this is why you must work daily on your Japanese listening and speaking skills.
10 Important Japanese Phrases to Help You in an Emergency
Although there are some English-speaking operators working at the Tokyo Fire Department, you should be prepared to handle your emergency by speaking Japanese.
- 警察に電話してください (keisatsu o yonde kudasai) – Please, call the police
- 助けてください (tasukete kudasai) – Please, help me
- 救急車に電話してください (kyūkyūsha wo yonde kudasai) – Please, call an ambulance
- 医者を呼んで下さい (isha o yonde kudasai) – Please, call a doctor
- 救急車お願いします (kyūkyūsha onegai shimasu) - Send an ambulance, please
- けがをしました (kega wo shimashita) – I'm injured
- 火があります (kaji desu) – There is a fire
- 事故が** です** (jiko desu) – There was an accident
- 気分が良くありません (kibun ga amari yokuarimasen) – I'm not feeling well
- パスポートを失くしました (passupoto wo nakushimashita) I lost my passport
Emergency Contacts in Japan
As well as learning common Japanese phrases, you should ensure you can seek help in an emergency while in Japan and be prepared to explain your situation in Japanese.
You do not need a Japanese SIM card to reach emergency numbers. You can call any emergency number from a landline, your mobile phone or a public phone. In this case, all you need to do is to pick up the receiver and press the red emergency button, without the need to insert coins.
To help you through any kind of emergent situations, you should memorise the following Japanese words:
- 警察 (keisatsu) - Police: 110
- 消防士 (syōbōshi) - Fireman: 119
- 救急車 (kyūkyūsha) - Ambulance: 119
- 海上保安** 庁** (kaijō hoan-chō) – Japanese Cost Guard (to be called only if the crime or accident you witnessed was at sea): 118
Once the ambulance arrives, you will be transferred to the nearest medical centre, if needed. In Japan, the transportation of patients by ambulance and the fire and rescue services are free. However, you will be charged for the costs of any care you may need if you do not hold Japanese health insurance.
Useful Japanese Words to Explain your Emergency
When you call one of the Japanese emergency numbers, you will be connected with trained staff, who will ask you for more details about your situations. You need to speak slowly so that the other person can understand your circumstances and send you the help that you need.
You must be able to communicate the following information:
- 私の名前は** … **です (watashi no namae wa… desu) – My name is…
- 私の電話番号は** … **** です**(watashi no denwa bango wa…desu) – My phone number is…
- 私の住所は** … **です (watashi no jyuushyo wa… desu) – My address is…
- 私の症状は…です(watashi no shōjō wa… desu) – My symptoms are…
If you are not able to individuate or explain your current location, you can seek help from a Japanese-speaker person. The dispatchers must always be provided with adequate directions to reach you. However, if you are using a public phone, the emergency staff will automatically track the address where the call comes from.
If you are calling an ambulance on someone else's behalf, you should go and meet it as soon as you hear the siren, and signal where the patient is.
How to Learn Useful Japanese Phrases to Help You in an Emergency
Although some of the emergency operator staff can speak English, knowing some key Japanese terms can help you get help more efficiently.
There are many ways to learn Japanese quickly, but you must first find the one that suits you. For example, with the Speechling method, you can have access to several essential Japanese words. This includes basic Japanese health dictionary, and many phrases you can use daily in any situation, such as words for seeking help in Japan.
How to Learn Japanese Phrases That You Must Have in an Emergency
According to a number of Japanese professional lecturers and studies, the best way to achieve Japanese fluency is to listen to and repeat your targeted words until you memorise them. Once your brain gets accustomed to using your new Japanese vocabulary, it will be easier to handle any situation, including emergencies.
You can use Speechling's free audio dictionary resources as a part of your daily exercise to learn Japanese. When you feel confident enough, you can then move on to the next step, which is conversation. This is definitely the best way to learn all the Japanese words you must have in an emergency, as well as improve your pronunciation and your speaking skills!